Sunshine Disposal & Recycling – Spokane Valley, WA

Curb Side Reycling

In addition to processing solid waste, Sunshine Disposal & Recycling sorts and bales recyclable materials. Paper, cardboard, aluminum, steel, tin, wire, copper, brass, plastic, building wrap, carpet padding, and wood are sorted and sent to market.

Curbside Recycling

Working Together to Make the Inland Empire a Great Place to Live. Learn more about what clean recyclables we accept and what not to include in your blue bin


Yard and Food Waste Recycling

Composting For a Greener Tomorrow. Learn what is compostable and what to leave our of your green bin.

Clean Recyclabes Only

Please empty recyclables out of bags and boxes.

Sunshine Disposal
PO Box 13369
Spokane Valley, WA 99213