While putting items in a recycling bin each week is an excellent start to going green, there is a lot more that can be done when it comes to living green! It’s important to understand that it’s not only objects that need to get recycled…it’s also bad habits that result in millions of tons of garbage in landfills. Here are some simple things we can start doing to lessen your carbon footprint, and will also save you money!
- Go Zero Waste. The ultimate goal is for all of us to have no negative impact on the environment with how we live. Think it’s impossible? It’s not. Go here to get some quick tips to get started.
- Simplify your life. With all the clutter that most of us have around our house, it creates the need to continue to fill our lives with things we don’t actually need. By simplifying what is around us, it makes us less inclined to create more waste in the future.
- Reduce purchases. “Think about it…do I really need this?” Sometimes the best thing to do for the environment is to think about where products come from…and, more importantly, how they affect the environment when they are thrown away. A handy trick that helps to limit purchases if the 30-Day Rule — by waiting 30 days after the first decision to purchase something, it leads to less impulse buying (which means more money in your wallet, and a smaller carbon footprint on the world!)
- Buy used. Instead of purchasing something brand new, consider heading to a thrift shop or going online to shop for that latest album, clothing piece, or gadget. It’s cheaper, and it will keep current products in circulation, lessening the demand to produce more.
- Shopping bags! When going shopping, practically every grocery store now offers permanent shopping bags – and some even offer discounts for using them! When going grocery shopping remember to bring your own shopping bags from home. If only a few items will be bought, just skip the bag entirely!