Our goal with The Recycle Guide is to provide you with relevant, accurate, and unbiased information about recycling. The inspiration for this guide comes from John D. Arwood, who from a very early age has been passionate about reducing and reusing waste through recycling in both residential and industrial settings. He has also led the efforts behind Space Waste Solutions which is exploring solutions to the growing problem of orbiting space waste, junk and garbage.
We aim to make this guide accessible to individuals seeking information and tips for recycling in their personal lives, as well as for students and educators to learn about the science behind municipal solid waste management, recycling techniques, and common recyclable materials. The Recycle Guide is both a learning tool and practical guide for a more sustainable lifestyle.
We believe that at the core of recycling is an individual’s choice. Your daily choice to reduce waste, reuse various materials, and recycle items instead of throwing them in landfills is what makes recycling programs work. We are thankful for the valuable information and recycling opportunities provided by local municipal waste departments, commercial waste management companies, and from the Environmental Protection Agency. But more than that, we are thankful for each individual who chooses to exercise their freedom to protect our environment and natural resources by recycling.
Our research team works to continue bringing relevant, unbiased, and accurate information from a variety of sources. Some source documents and information are from United States government agencies while others are based on individual’s experiences and techniques. While we always work to provide accurate data, recommendations, and tips we also strongly encourage you to verify information before you use it.
Recycling starts with you! Thank you for choosing to learn more about conserving our natural resources and protecting our environment.
For more information about The Recycle Guide or to contact us with specific questions, please fill out this form and we will be in touch.
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