City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Recycles Too
Welcome to Cartlanta Recycling!
The Department of Public Works Solid Waste Services serves approximately 96,000 single-family homes. According to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Waste Reduction Tool, if every single one of those homes recycled just one plastic bottle, it would save enough energy to power a laptop computer for 240,000 hours!
The Cartlanta Recycling Program works to ensure that residential customers have the resources to participate in waste reduction and sustainability practices through recycling.
The Cartlanta Recycling Program:
– Saves money by diverting recyclables from the landfill
– Promotes waste reduction
– Gives recyclables a second life
– Recommends new recycling initiatives
Implements existing waste reduction and recycling programs; and
– Provides education to City employees and the general public about recycling programs and opportunities
As a liaison with local, state, and federal agencies, Cartlanta also shares information on recycling issues to ensure responsiveness to problems and concerns, prepares grant proposals and maintains records on the City’s recycling programs.
Residential Curbside Recycling
Residential curbside recycling is for household paper, cardboard, glass, cans, and plastics numbered 1-5 & 7. Recycling collection is the same day as garbage collection. Please use your City-issued blue recycling cart or a larger container clearly labeled “RECYCLING”.
All recyclables may be placed together in the cart. The item will be separated at the recycling processing facility. The only thing that should be bagged is shredded paper in a clear bag. All recycling must be clean and dry.
Recyclables Allowed at the Curbside:
– Aluminum and Steel (Tin) Cans
– Brochures, Reams
– Cardboard Boxes- dry and broken down to fit into bin
– Cartons & Juice Boxes
– Envelopes: including windowed and labeled
– File Folders
– Glass Bottles: Yes! We do collect glass. Remove the lids and place in recycling cart.
– Greeting Cards
– Hard Plastic – Labeled 1 – 5 & 7. Remove the lids and place in recycling
– Junk Mail
– Magazines
– Newspapers
– Office Paper All Colors
– Paperboard, Cereal Boxes, etc.
– Phone Books
– Shipping Boxes
– Soft and Hard Back Books
– Wrapping Paper
NO paper towels or tissues, NO plastic bags, NO hoses or wires, NO plastic pipes, NO plastic furniture, NO polystyrene, NO wood or building materials
For recycling carts and service questions please call 311.
Helpful Recycling Tips
• Wire hangers may be returned to your dry cleaner
• Plastic bags, wraps, and film may be recycled at your local grocery or home improvement store
• Packing peanuts-take to UPS or shipping store
Places & Events for Recycling
For recycling not accepted curbside or for those in multi-family homes that do not have curbside recycling, the following options are available to you.
City of Atlanta Recycle Day
Every 3rd Saturday, 9:00 am – Noon
The Mall West End
850 Oak Street
Atlanta, GA 30310
Electronics, polystyrene, tires, and clothing may be recycled on the 3rd Saturday of every month from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Single-stream recycling and paper shredding are also provided at this event. Metal is not accepted at the Recycle Day event unless it a household items such as tin or aluminum cans which would be included in the curbside single-stream recycling.
CHaRM stands for The Center for Hard to Recycle Materials. It is a permanent drop-off facility that aims to improve our environmental health by encouraging reuse and diverting thousands of pounds of household hazardous waste, bulky trash and other hard to recycle items from Metro-Atlanta landfills and water systems.
1110 Hill Street SE
Atlanta, GA. 30315
Hours of Operation
Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Visit CHaRM online for a list of accepted items.
City of Atlanta
Department of Public Works
55 Trinity Avenue, SW
Suite 4700
Atlanta, Georgia 30303