Shawnee County Solid Waste Recycles Too

Shawnee County Solid Waste
 Image result for topeka ks recycle solid waste

Efficient Environmental Services.



It takes 95% less energy to produce an aluminum can from an existing can than one from ore. The average American uses around 150 steel cans per year. In the US, more than two million tons of steel are landfilled each year.


Paper makes up 40% of the trash in our landfills. Recycling it saves natural resources and there are many uses for it when you get done with it.


Plastic is a growing, high-volume part of our waste. Shawnee County’s recycled plastic is being made into new containers and other products like carpet. Aside from soft plastic, we want to recycle any numbered plastic containers you have.


The Solid Waste Department is funded by user fees, a host fee at the landfill, and by the sale of commodities. No tax dollars are used.

  • Recycling creates jobs and strengthens the economy.
  • Recycling saves energy.
  • Recycling prevents soil, water, and air pollution, including greenhouse gases.
  • Recycling conserves our natural resources.
  • Recycling extends the lives of existing landfills and reduces the need for new landfills.


Types and Locations
Type Location
plastic All numbered containers. Shawnee County Recycling bins
(no styrofoam or plastic bags of any kind)
plastic grocery bags Dillons, Walmart, Hy-Vee, Apple Market
newspaper bags Trash or your paper carrier, or call Dillons, Walmart, Hy-Vee, Apple Market
styro-foam peanuts Call the UPS Store or other mailing businessess
styro-foam molded Trash

Check the bottom of the container, there should be a triangle with a number in the center. Shawnee County accepts all numbers. No plastic bags or styrofoam.

aluminum Shawnee County Recycling bins
tin Shawnee County Recycling bins
newsprint with inserts Shawnee County Recycling bins
magazines/catalogs Shawnee County Recycling bins
office paper Shawnee County Recycling Bins
corrugated Shawnee County Recycling bins
cereal & cracker boxes Shawnee County Recycling bins
brown paper sacks Shawnee County Recycling bins
colored Shawnee County Recycling bins
clear Shawnee County Recycling bins

Remember to break down your cardboard and rinse all food and beverage containers before recycling

White Goods
refrigerators Shawnee County Solid Waste (to remove freon & recycle)
washers & dryers Langley Recycling, Advantage Metals
stoves Langley Recycling, Advantage Metals

Several appliance stores will remove these items for you at the time of delivery for a fee. Shawnee County Solid Waste will also pick up these items for a fee.

PVC pipe trash
lawn furniture trash
shower inserts trash
ceiling tiles trash
Paint cans Household Hazardous Waste Facility
medications contact Shawnee County Household Hazardous Waste Facility

Medical (sharps) wastes require special handling: Call the Coalition for Safe Community Needle Disposal at 1-800-643-1643. You can also call the Center for Disease Control’s Office of Public Inquiry at 1-800-311-3435 (ext #2). It’s also a good idea to check with your local pharmacy for additional information.


Composting is a very useful way to increase the yield of your vegetable and flower gardens. Items, which can be safely composted, include:

  • grass clippings
  • leaves
  • small tree limbs
  • vegetable & fruit peelings
  • coffee grounds
  • shredded paper
  • straw or hay bales

Animal fats can be composted; however, they may tend to attract rodents to your yard.

When composting, dirt should be added to your pile to keep odors down and aid in breaking down the vegetable matter. Turn every two weeks or so, and keep it moist. The Shawnee County Solid Waste Department provides one free compost bin to residents of the county to help them get started. Call 233-4774 for more information.

Household Hazardous Waste

The Shawnee County Solid Waste Department operates a Household Hazardous Waste collection facility located at 131 NE 46th St. to help keep hazardous wastes out of our landfills, streams, and ground water. Call (785) 286-4381 or 233-4774 if you have any questions or doubts about what can be safely thrown away. The facility is open the first Saturday of every month except January and July. The hours of operation are 9 a.m. to noon rain or shine. They are also open for drop-offs from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday through Friday.

Be sure to dispose of trash properly, and safely to insure the safety of our children, and grand children.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Remember: reduce, reuse, recycle.

Did You Know?

The Shawnee County Solid Waste department hauls more than 150 tons of refuse and 40 tons of recyclables per day! In addition to this, our Household Hazardous Waste Facility handles over 100 tons of material per year, keeping it out of our local landfill.

The solid waste fleet consists of 19 refuse and 11 recycling trucks to handle both residential and commercial solid waste.

On Saturday, September 26, 2015, Shawnee County, in cooperation with the City of Topeka held its first ever electronic waste (e-waste) collection event. We collected a total of 90,000 pounds, (45 tons) of e-waste. This amount filled 2 semi trailers and 2 box trucks. All of this material will be recycled, keeping it out of the local landfill.


Solid Waste Department Pick Up Schedule

Picture of Tom Vlach

2017 Holiday Pick Up Schedule

Not sure if you’re recycling week is Red or Blue?

Interactive Service Lookup

Points Of Interest

  • We are Non-tax supported Enterprise fund.
  • We have a leading role in the county emergency action plan.

Why Recycle?

Learn more about the benefits of recycling and why you should recycle.