Salt Lake City Recycle Centers

Glass is one of the few materials that can be recycled endlessly, never losing its quality.

Recycle Utah accepts all four colors of glass at our 24/7,  drop-off center in Park City, as well as our four remote glass bins located throughout Summit County.

Momentum Recycling in Salt Lake City processes all of the glass we collect. Here’s what happens to it:

• Sorting: Momentum’s processing machine sorts out all contaminants. Common contaminants found are ceramics, Pyrex, aluminum cans, light bulbs, cardboard, window frames, light bulbs and mirrors.

• Breaking: All of the glass is broken into crude particles with hammers.

• Label removal: Paper labels, corks, caps and lids are collected to be recycled separately. All of the label glue is loosened, and sugars and bacteria are burned off.

• Pulverizing: A “pulverizer” breaks down the glass particles even more.

• Final product: Depending on the color of the glass, the final product is used for different purposes. The vast majority of the brown glass collected by Recycle Utah is used to make new brown bottles, while clear and green glass becomes fiberglass insulation.

Support Recycle Utah’s glass collection programs at our annual Uncorked concert on Friday, June 23, from 5-9 p.m. at our center, located at 1951 Woodbine Way. Tickets will be available for $7 at the door. The evening will feature The Mondays and Courtney Spaulding. Food and drink will be available for purchase.

Recycle Utah — a community nonprofit and drop-off recycling center — provides these weekly tips. Visit for more information.