Rainbow/Republic Services offers free post-holiday recycling of live Christmas trees and cardboard cartons
Rainbow/Republic will pick up Christmas trees and any flattened cardboard cartons that are placed next to the trees from January 2 through January 12, 2018. To recycle your tree, simply remove all ornaments, hooks, light strings, tinsel, and stand and place it next to your carts on your trash day. Flatten cardboard and place next to trees. The automated trucks are not collecting trees so please do not block access to the carts and do not put your Christmas tree in your carts. Larger trees should be cut to six-foot maximum. Multi-family, condo, and town home residents with commercial service (blue dumpster) should place trees to the side of the dumpsters, not in front or on top of the dumpster. Check with your property manager or HOA for other restrictions.
After January 12, tree pickups will have to be scheduled as a 10/4 Pickup arranged directly through Rainbow/Republic Services.
For further information, please contact Public Works Trash and Recycling at 714-375-5010 or Rainbow/Republic Services at 714-847-3581.
Street Sweeping and Trash Collection Schedule
Street Sweeping and Trash Collection are on regular schedule for the week of January 15 – 19. There are no delays for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Reminder: To avoid a missed trash pick-up, set your trash and recycling carts out by 7 a.m. on trash day. Route schedules are
subject to change at any time.