Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling Recycles Too

Program reminders

Yard waste collection begins April 10:  You may begin placing yard waste, prepared to collection guidelines, out each week on your garbage day beginning the week of April 10, 2017.   If you have yard waste that you’d like to get rid of before collection begins, call Solid Waste & Recycling at 612-673-2917 or visit Hennepin County’s Yard and Tree Waste Disposal webpage.

Take a tour of the recycling facility: You can now sign up to attend a tour of the recycling facility where the City’s one-sort recyclables are sorted back into paper, plastic, glass and metal.  Tours are offered monthly, however, space is limited and some restrictions apply.  Click here for more information, tour dates, times, and how to sign up. If you can’t attend a tour in person but still want to see how the recycling system works, watch Eureka Recycling’s Story of a Cereal Box video.

Organics Recycling

Sign up now.
There’s no extra cost to participate!  Organics are collected weekly on your regularly scheduled collection day.  Find more information on our Organics Recycling webpages.

Learn how-to participate by watching our How-to video.

Español (Spanish): Reciclaje Orgánico
Hmoob (Hmong): Nroog Minneapolis nyoj khoom tsis siv
Somaaliga (Somali): Dib-U warshadaynta Qashinka dabiicigaa

One-Sort Recycling

You can now recycle more! View our Recycling Guide for details or go to the following pages for more detailed recycling information:
Paper Recycling
Food, Beverage & Other Container Recycling
Household Battery Recycling
Electronics Recycling
Large Item
Household Hazardous Waste

Español (Spanish): Un Solo Tipo de Reciclaje
Hmoob (Hmong): Ib Zaug-Xaiv Cov Khoom Qub Mus Zom Dua Tshiab
Somaaliga (Somali): Ku Rid Hal Weel Alaabta Dib-loo-warshadeeya

Home container labels

Label containers in your home so guests know how to properly sort their waste. Stickers are available for your interior recycling, organics recycling, and trash containers located throughout your house. To order stickers to help improve your home collection system, call Solid Waste & Recycling at 612-673-2917 or email your request including the number of each type of stickers you want to [email protected].

Helpful Hennepin County websites

Green Disposal Guide
Apartment Recycling
Business Recycling Grants
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events
Fix-It Clinics
Master Recycler/Composter

Alternative formats

Should you require a reasonable accommodation in order to fully participate, or information in an alternative format, please contact Solid Waste & Recycling at 612-673-2917 or by emailing [email protected].
Para assistencia: 612-673-2700
Pau kev pab: 612-673-2800
Hadii aad caawimaad u baahantahay: 612-673-3500

Customer service

Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
[email protected]


The Division of Solid Waste & Recycling is committed to excellence in customer service. The mission of the Division is to protect the health and safety of Minneapolis residents by providing solid waste management services that result in a clean and livable city. A Clean City is Job One, and the job is carried out in a safe, environmentally protective and cost effective manner. Solid Waste & Recycling is funded by your monthly fees, sale of metals and recyclables and a Hennepin County recycling grant. Property taxes are not part of the funding for your solid waste and recycling services.