Let’s Start Here & Recycle


We all know that caring for the environment is essential. This is our home, and if we fail to care for our home, we, our children, and our grandchildren will suffer the consequences.

And if you’re like most people, you probably have some basic ideas about the importance of recycling. It keeps garbage out of landfills, allows producers to reuse materials, etc. Make no mistake, recycling, is essential.

But with the amount of garbage in the world growing at a frightening pace, we need to get even more creative with our recycling. We need to come up with new, more effective ways to reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills.

If we don’t take these steps, the consequences will eventually catch up to us. Commenting on a World Bank study, Masaru Goto notes:

In the earlier report, they warned that global solid waste generation was on pace to increase 70 percent by 2025, rising from more than 3.5 million tonnes per day in 2010 to more than 6 million tonnes per day by 2025. The waste from cities alone is already enough to fill a line of trash trucks 5,000 kilometers long every day. The global cost of dealing with all that trash is rising too: from $205 billion a year in 2010 to $375 billion by 2025, with the sharpest cost increases in developing countries.