Dunn County’s ReCyclone, dubbed “A Force of Nature for Nature,” was created in 2012 with help from a customer at a local children’s theater. Her educational purpose is similar to other industry colleagues, yet ReCyclone’s tale is one unlike any other:
“There once was a town that had no clue how to manage their trash and recyclables. Everywhere you looked there were mounds of unwanted, discarded items. Unfortunately, the residents had no idea there was a difference between trash and recyclables and they mixed everything together. There were apple cores in with the electronics and waxed milk cartons alongside rusty old bicycles. One day a small twister appeared causing all the unwanted materials to rise into the air. When the dust settled, all that remained were neatly separated piles of recyclables and the masked super hero ReCyclone standing nearby. “I’m a Force of Nature FOR Nature!” ReCyclone announced. The town looked so beautiful that from that day on residents separated their recyclables just as ReCyclone had taught them and the mounds of trash were a thing of the past.”