City of Tucson AZ Recycles Too
The Mission of the Environmental Services Department is to promote a healthy Tucson community by providing innovative and effective waste management and environmental protection services. Recycle at Home
Environmental Services Education and Outreach
Classroom Presentations
Do you teach Grades 1-5 in the City of Tucson? If so, sign up to schedule a free classroom presentation on recycling.
If you are a middle school teacher, the Talking Trash in Tucson curriculum is available for download. Visit the School Outreach page for more detailed information.
Please contact the Outreach Education Coordinator at [email protected] if you have any questions about classroom presentations or resources available to download.
Recycling Play for Children
Tucson Clean & Beautiful offers “E Pluribus Recycles!”, an entertaining and educational play for children in Kindergarten through fourth grade. Teachers may contact Tucson Clean & Beautiful at (520) 791-5000 or email [email protected] to schedule a performance at their school. The play is funded by the City of Tucson, Pima County and SAEMS.
Presentations, Displays & Speakers
The City of Tucson Environmental Services staff is available to give presentations about residential and business services as well as waste diversion and recycling for schools, neighborhood groups and other organizations. We can also provide an information booth or display for community events. For information, please call Customer Service at 520-791-3171 or submit a service request.
Los Reales Landfill Tours – Call 520-791-4183
Environmental Services provides behind-the-scenes tours of Los Reales Landfill to interested citizens and/or student groups. Participants will see how the landfill is operated so that it meets federal, state, local regulations as well as how the disposal cells at the landfill are constructed using environmental protection guidelines. Groups will also see the different ways the landfill reuses and recycles on-site to benefit our environment.
The tour is a driving tour and Los Reales Landfill cannot provide transportation. It is appropriate for school children from 4th grade and up. Participants should wear comfortable clothing, closed toe shoes, and bring drinking water.
ReCommunity Materials Recovery Facility
E-mail [email protected]
Adult and school groups (4th grade and up) can participate in educational programs at the ReCommunity MRF. Participants will visit the education center where they can view equipment and staff sorting and processing the recyclable materials. They will engage in hands-on activities to learn about what can be recycled in Tucson, what types of products are made from recycled materials, and how recycling benefits our community and the environment.
Apartment Recycling: Getting Started
The City offers information to apartment managers who would like to educate their residents about the options available for their use in Tucson. Environmental Services staff is also available to present recycling information to tenant groups or to work directly with apartment managers to evaluate their recycling options. Call Customer Service at 520-791-3171 or submit a request for information.
Volunteer Opportunities
Master Recyclers – Master Recyclers are specially-trained volunteers who give presentations about recycling to civic, neighborhood and other community groups, and who help staff outreach events. A Master Recycler is a trained expert on recycling in Tucson and is a valuable asset to Tucson and the planet! If you are interested in signing up for Master Recycler training, call 520-791-5000.
Recycling Information Line:
Call 520-791-5000
Cleaning out your attic? Your garage? That closet that you have been unable to close for five years? We can help you clear out the clutter and become greener in the process! Call the Recycling Information Line to hear information and referrals about waste reduction, re-use and recycling opportunities in the Tucson Metro area. It is cooperatively sponsored by The City of Tucson and Pima County and operated by Tucson Clean & Beautiful. If there is no answer, leave a message and your call will be returned.
Curbside Recycling
Put all your recyclables in your Blue Barrel to be picked up the same day as your weekly garbage collection.
Neighborhood Recycling Centers
Drop-off any recyclables accepted in the Blue Barrel Recycling Program at these locations
Other Waste Reduction Programs
Christmas TreeCycle. Call 791-5000 or visit KnowWhereToThrow.
Guidelines for Blue Barrel Recycling
- No plastic grocery bags
- No garbage
- Please make sure materials are clean, empty and dry
- Set out your blue barrel for collection when it is more than half full to decrease fuel consumption and air pollution
- Have barrel at curb by 6 a.m. to ensure service
- Leave labels on containers
- Bottle and jar caps and lids can be recycled
- Lightly rinse food containers. Use water wisely – throw very dirty items into the garbage
- All recyclables go loose into the Blue Barrel, together – – no sorting! Please put them in individually, not inside a box or bag
- Do not flatten cans and bottles to ensure sorting equipment works properly
- Cut or flatten corrugated cardboard boxes to fit in container. Remove plastic wrapping and liners
- Shredded paper may be recycled in the Blue Barrel if it is secured in a clear plastic bag.
NOTE: This is the only time that plastic bags can go in the recycling container.
Thanks for saving resources, energy and landfill space by Doing More Blue.
Environmental Services provides Tucson citizens and businesses with trash collection and disposal. Other services include:
- Recycling and waste reduction services.
- Operating the City’s Los Reales Landfill in compliance with State and Federal regulations.
- Cleaning up groundwater at old landfills. View project reports and maps.
- Ensuring that the City’s air quality and industrial waste discharge permits are up-to-date and in compliance.
Browse our website to learn about our services, find your pickup day, pay your bill, find directions to Los Reales Landfill and learn about new projects and developments.
View our calendar for updates on special events and holiday collection schedules.
Residential Garbage and Recycling Services
Environmental Services (ES) provides single-family households and multi-family housing (up to 24 units) with automated garbage and recycling service once each week, both collected on the same day. ES residential customers are charged a monthly fee for garbage and recycling collection which is included in their Utility Services bill.
The following services are provided to residential customers:
- Weekly Trash Collection
- Recycling
- Suspension of Service Program
- Brush and Bulky Materials Collection
- Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Options
To order service or containers or to report any problem, call Customer Service at 520-791-3171 or contact us.