A modern glass bottle would take 4000 years or more to decompose. #recycling matters! #recycleguide bit.ly/19paXUT
Recycling Facts – Need For Aluminum Recycling
In the U.S. each year, enough aluminum is discarded to rebuild the commercial air fleet 4x over. #recycle it! #recycleguide bit.ly/1BNo5yZ
Recycling Facts – Cell Phones
In 2006, over 100 million cell phones were thrown away. #recycle them! #recycleguide bit.ly/1ADxypw
Recycling Facts – Recycled Paper Impacts
Paper makes up 40% of our daily #trash. That’s paper you could be #recycling ! #recycleguide bit.ly/1FjRGhf
Recycling Facts – U.S. Trash Production
The U.S. is the #1 trash-producing country in the world at 1,609 pounds per person per year. #recycleguide bit.ly/1FTOEUH
Recycling Facts – Packaging Impacts
Out of every $10 spent buying things, $1 (10%) goes for packaging that is thrown away. #recycle it! #recycleguide bit.ly/1LxQlWo
Recycling Facts – Need For Recycling
The U.S. population discards 16 billion disposable diapers each year. It adds up quick! #recycleguide bit.ly/18grABV
Recycling Facts – Conserve Natural Resources
#Recycling 1 ton of steel saves mining 2,500 pounds of iron ore & 1,000 pounds of coal. #recycleguide bit.ly/1zDsMWt
Recycling Facts – Family Recycling Impacts
A typical family consumes 104 gallons of milk and 26 gallons of bottled water a year. Make sure to #recycle it! #recycleguide bit.ly/1MOPiol
Recycling Facts – Aluminum Can Cycle
An aluminum beverage can returns to the grocery shelf new & filled in as few as 60 days after being #recycled. #recycleguide bit.ly/19paXUT